Tag: 1 Cor. 12:13

Cherry Blossom, Camelias at Pentecost


Cherry blossom, and Camelias in the garden and warm sunshine blessed Pentecost Sunday; today Church had two visitors both from Pentecostal church backgrounds.

Mary, came this morning, slipping in quietly and writing prayer requests in the book in the porch before taking a seat. Her own church is an enormous, modern building with state of the art auditorium and stage, the congregations is numbered in hundred and all the services lively and loud; yet from time to time, Mary pops in to sip peace and quiet and to leave requests in the Intercessions Book.  Many pages back you can find Mary’s own name written there, for Mary had Cancer of the Spine – and God was good.

Craig came this evening on his bike, checking out the church where he is to be married in a few months time.  If he found our Book of Common Prayer Service sedate or boring, Craig never said; he did spend quite a time chatting away to the Organist about the mysterious workings of our old organ; and perhaps he was quite surprised to learn that sometimes the Organ was joined by trumpet, violin, guitars, oboe, drums.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150)

There are so many ways to praise God and to serve Him, so many different kinds of congregation, but there is still ‘One Lord, one Spirit working in all’…..

Quiet Prayers are heard and people are healed, worship is offered and the Lord makes Himself known even in elderly church buildings with a nave and altar.  Our visitors today remind us ‘that we were all baptised by one Spirit, so as to form one body—we were all given the one Spirit to drink, (1Cor. 12:13 NIV).

The same Spirit who delights to heal, who inspires singers, and musicicans and who took pleasure in the creation of Cherry Blossom and Camelia; blessings to all at Pentecost